Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Charismatic Prayer

                Today was the day that I decided to go to the charismatic prayer group. It was my first experience to something like this. Although I’ve been in the presence of others while they spoke in tongues and I’ve was also blessed to be able to interpret someone they spoke in tongues but this was my first “hardcore” experience in a group setting where practically the whole group was speaking in tongues.
                I guess I’ll start off by saying that I have been in a spiritual slump for the past week or so. I haven’t been going to mass and I completely lost my prayer life this past week. Certain sins were eating me up inside and I just did not see myself worthy of even attending mass or praying. It was a nasty slump. I would imagine that 2 weeks of scattered mid-terms did its part and kept me away from prayer also. It felt as my world had fallen apart. I got a “C” on my Latin midterm but thank God I got “A”s on the rest.
                Today while at the prayer group, I really just offered myself to God and asked that he help me be open to this new experience and that it help me get out of this slump. We sang songs and prayed a little after each song. We prayed over people and towards the end, the group prayed over me. This is when things really started to hit me. I was getting into the music. The songs were worship songs that spoke to God asking him to be with us and help us. “Here I am to worship”, and some other songs that I can’t think of at the moment. As people were praying over me, I heard one of them speak to me softly in my ear and after hearing what he said and allowing it to sink in, I just started to cry like a baby. It was cleansing and they were tears of joy and repentance all at the same time. God was telling me that everything was going to be okay and that I was on the right path. Those words were EXACTLY what I need to hear. Tomorrow morning I am going straight to Reconciliation to be forgiven for my sins in faith and in hope that everything will be alright. Next week, God willing, I will be back with this prayer group as a “NEW” man. I will no longer be in a state of Mortal Sin. I am not expecting anything in particular but I hope that maybe this new path, this new group is where God wants me to be.  I love you all very much and may the peace and love of Christ be with you!

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