Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Reading Iconographic "art"

                About 8 months ago, I went to a “come and see” retreat at Saint Johns’ Seminary in Camarillo, CA and I believe it was the President-Rector that said, “Here at the seminary, we break away the child-like faith by testing you, pushing you and asking you to learn the Truth”. And In the summer, I learned that St. Thomas (I think) said one must first believe to understand. In other words, we must search for answers by first having faith. This last week, we wrote an essay on an icon, which the eastern churches and religions use as pictures that are “written” and that translate art into sacred scripture. If you have time to research “Iconography” I would highly suggest you to at least learn more about it and its history. It is quite interesting.  Anyway, I wrote an essay on an icon depicting The Annunciation and it allowed me to break away a little more of my “child-like” faith. As Catholics, we learn about Immaculate Conception of Mary and this essay allowed me to look deeper into the passages and I actually came to the conclusion that Mary was graced with the Holy Spirit since birth. It is said that she was sinless throughout her whole life and if that was the case then that would have to imply that she was born without original sin and that grace can only come from God. It would make sense that Jesus, who was sinless, would be born into this world from someone who was herself, sinless. I guess I always believed this to be true because I was taught that this was just how it was.  But now, looking into the text through this icon allowed me to understand that Mary did not just have the Holy Spirit with her at the moment of Christ’s conception but throughout her whole life. Search with the light of faith and you will find truth. This, among many other things, has been really fun learning and even though the work is some-what tough, I really appreciate everything that I am learning. Next year, World Youth Day will be in Spain. I really want to go but it costs like 2-3 thousand dollars. I think I can get there if I sell all of my Screen Printing supplies which is worth 2,000. I have had no luck selling it but, if God wants me to make it, It will somehow happen. World Youth Day is more like a week or two where Catholic groups from around the world get together in one stadium and all kinds of events happen. The Pope is present and I can imagine that the spiritual level is intense. Another reason that I would like to go is to visit Lourdes, France where the Virgin Mary appeared in 1858. But as I said, I would love to go but only in God’s time. I will not force it nor will I let opportunities pass me by. If God wants me to go, he’ll somehow provide. If not, then maybe next time.  

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